Microns 32/35
Origin and Diffusion
The Comisana (or Lentinese, Testa rossa, Faccia rossa) is an Italian breed particularly suitable for milk production. Native breed of Sicilia. Areas of greatest breeding: Sicilia, Lombardia, Piemonte, Central and Southern Italy. Is the result of the breed crossing of the sheep breeds of the Mediterranean (Asian-African countries) with Sicilian sheep. It's also known as Testa rossa, Faccia rossa, Lentinese.The wool is rather coarse and is usually used for mattresses.
Morphological and Breeding Characteristics
- Size: medium-large
- Head: no hornes, large and long, ram-like profile. Ears long, wide and drooping.
- Trunk: long, prominent and broad chest. Right back. Loins long and strong. Belly massive limbs, long and strong. Large breasts.
- Skin: rosy blush, nail clear.
- Average height at the withers: Rams cm 80, Ewews cm 70
- Weigh: Rams Kg80, Ewes Kg50
White fleece, extended, excluding the abdomen and lower limbs tarsus is semi-closed or semi-open.
Average production of Milk: 150-200kg per lactation.
Average production of meat: Rams Kg75, Ewes Kg 68.
Average production of Filthy wool: Rams Kg5, Ewes Kg4.