Microns 29/32
Origin and Diffusion
Italian breed particularly suitable for meat production. Native from Altipiano di Clusone and from neighboring Valli Bergamesche. Present mainly in Lombardia (Bergamo), but also widespread in other regions of northern and central especially as criss-crossing race. It's considered the best Italian breed for meat production. The production of wool is high, although of poor quality. The milk product is totally suckled by the Lamb.The selection process aims to enhance the already fine aptitude for meat production also by reducing the calving period to get three shares in two years.
Morphological and Breeding Characteristics
- Size: medium-large
- Head: no hornes, large and long head, ram-profile, long large and drooping ears.
- Trunk: long, broad and prominent chest, back straight, long and strong loin, belly voluminous, long and strong limbs, voluminous breasts.
- Skin: pink, blush, claws clear.
- Average height at the withers: rams cm 87, ewes cm 79
- Weigh: Rams 111 Kg, Ewes 80 Kg
Average production of meat: rams Kg. 75, ewes Kg. 68// Filthy wool: rams Kg. 5 - ewes Kg. 4
White fleece, extended, excluding the lower abdomen and lower tarsus; at limbs it is semi-closed or semi-open.